Gen1™ Must Haves + (ZA)

Gen1™ Must Haves + (ZA)


This kit is everything you need right now. Experience our new Truvy™ products in one powerful pack. Our flagship products Gen1™ and Tru™ Combo  are the key to optimal weight management.

As if Heart & Hydration™ couldn’t get any better we found a way to make it happen with HEART & HYDRATION+™. It’s everything you’ve always loved with an added source of all natural caffeine to not only mix up your regular water, but to energize you as well.

Lastly, our reNU® uses pure and naturally sourced ingredients that are designed to support a detox of the body, all while helping maintain a healthy digestive tract.*

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What you’ll receive:

A 30-day supply of our Gen1™ and Tru™ Combo (60 Capsule count PER box). We know weight loss and healthy living isn’t always easy, simple or straightforward. Honestly, the idea can even seem overwhelming at times. So we made it easier with proven products that work and being there with you every step of the way. Think of us as your friendly side-kick.

Recommended Instructions:

We suggest taking Tru™ and Gen1™ together twice a day. Take before breakfast in the morning and then again in the early afternoon around lunch. Tru™ and Gen1™  are most powerful when combined with an appropriate meal regimen and exercise program.

Choose ONE product to receive FREE from the options below:

Heart & Hydration+™
Hydration is super important for weight loss and a healthy body. The problem? Water can get kinda boring after a while. H&H+™ easily mixes into water to add sugar-free flavor and heart health-supporting ingredients. Choose from THREE amazing flavors: Cucumber Mint, Lemon Lime or Pomegranate Hibiscus. (30 stick count)


It’s time to cleanse your body of the toxins that can build up and slow down your lifestyle. reNU® is the answer. Using pure and naturally sourced ingredients, reNU® is designed to support the detoxification of the body, all while helping maintain a healthy digestive tract.* Take 2 reNU® capsules before bed and wake up knowing your body is cleansed and refreshed to take on a new day. (30 Capsules)

*Health supplements are intended only to complement health and supplement the diet

*As we transition to our new look, actual packaging may vary from image shown.

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